Largest distribution of free energy-saving light bulbs

The largest give-away of free energy-saving light bulbs is 22,900,000, achieved by the Programa Luz Sustentable (Mexico) and organised by the Fideicomiso para el Ahorro de Energía Eléctrica (Mexico) across Mexico, from 5 July 2011 to 14 June 2012.

The 23 watt light bulbs were produced by Phillips and distributed to each household in boxes of four. The total of households nationwide that participated in the program was 5,725,000. In order to qualify for the program, families had to bring in their electric bill and their old bulbs to participating retailers throughout the country. The evidence for the record was reviewed and approved at FIDE headquarters in Mexico City, Mexico, on 25 July 2012. The record was officially recognised at a ceremony held at Parque Bicentenario, in Mexico City, Mexico, on 26 July 2012. Mexican President, Felipe Calderon, received the official Guinness World Records certificate on behalf of the program.