Largest wedding bouquet

The largest wedding bouquet measured 60.09 m (197 ft 1 in) long and was made using 1,500 flowers including roses and carnations. It was held by Christa Rasanayagam (Canada) when she married Arulanantham Suresh Joachim (Australia) at King Catholic Church, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada on 6 September 2003.

The bouquet also weighed 92 kg (202.8 lb) and was made up of 500 roses, 400 carnations, 60 lilies, 200 daisies and 340 baby breaths. In addition to these 1500 flowers, bear grass, Ontario Cedar and Italian Ruches.This was the wedding ceremony, as their registration occured on 16 August 2003. The couple also used 79 bridesmaids and 47 groomsmen to assist them.