Largest word search puzzle

The largest published word search puzzle includes 51,000 letters arranged in 204 columns and 250 rows to form over 5,500 words and phrases. It was created by Mel Crow (USA) and presented as a 3 m (10 ft) by 4.7 m (15.5 ft) poster at the Eagle Gate College campus in Layton, Utah, USA, on 18 January 2013.

In addition to the confirmed searchable list of words and phrases, which includes words from the English dictionary but also themed categories such as famous actors and US state capitols, Mr Crow keeps an list of 200 additional “secret” words and phrases. The World’s Largest Word Search Puzzle is published by Tate Publishing & Enterprises, LLC, and available as a digital download from 19 March 2013. It can also be purchased in its printed form at public events.