Most participants in a fingerprint test

The most participants in a fingerprint test are 3,108 children from various schools within different regions in Jakarta at the Mall of Indonesia, in association with Frisian Flag (Indonesia), in Jarkarta, Indonesia, on 26 February 2011.

The multinational dairy company Frisian Flag organised the attempt at the Mall of Indonesia. The children were between the ages of 1-6 years old and had travelled from various regions of Jakarta. The day began with a registration process, then the children were taken to a blue zone where they were to wait to be called forward. The red zone was where the onsultants informed families about the details of the attempt. The final record zone had two people assigned to it whereby they used clickers to count all the participants as well as check over thsi information using the logbooks. There was a fingerprint expert assigned to each table. The attempt started at 10.14am and lasted 8 hours and finishing at 16.41 with a totl of 3,108 participants.