The most powerful trebuchet with projectile weight 20 kg and over threw a 1968 VW Beetle car weighing 766 kg (1,688 lb 11.84 oz) a distance of 76.94 m (252 ft 5 in) creating a power output of 58,936 kg.m (426,285 lb.ft). It was built by Nova FM – Partridge (Australia) in Granville, New South Wales, Australia on 5 August 2011.
The trebuchet was of a whip or chain type and utilised a 20 metric tonnes (22.05 Imperial tons) counterweight to propel the VW Beetle. It measured 10 m (32 ft 9.7 in) high and took over 3 days to construct. The record was broken as part of a promotion for the independent MP Bob Katter and to support the ethanol industries in northern Queensland.