Oldest purpose-built cinema in operation

The oldest cinema still in operation today is the Korsør Biograf Teater in Korsør, Denmark, which has been in operation from 7 August 1908.

The Cinema actually opened at the Hotel Korsoer on 30 Jan 1907 but moved to its current location at 17 Jens Baggesens Gade in the summer of 1908 with the opening week beginning on 7 August.

The programme for the first show was listed in the local newspaper the Korsoer Avis on August 7 and listed six films:

1. En Rejse fra Stockholm til Goteborg

2. Den lille Savoyard

3. Den moderne Hat

4. En Tyrefaegtning i Sevilla

5. De forhexede Dukker

6. For tidlig hjemme